Ensalada de Chaucha y Huevo Duro

Salad 165 Last Update: Jul 25, 2024 Created: Jul 25, 2024
Ensalada de Chaucha y Huevo Duro
  • Serves: 10 People
  • Prepare Time: 30
  • Cooking Time: 30
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

Super Argentina



  1. Place the potatoes and green beans in a pot with plenty of water, a pinch of coarse salt to taste, and a splash of white vinegar. The vinegar helps the potatoes stay firm.
  2. Cook until the potatoes and green beans are done. It is important not to overcook them so the potatoes don't turn into mush.
  3. Drain and place them in a wide dish to cool quickly.
  4. Add the chopped eggs.
  5. Season with salt (if needed, taste first just in case), freshly ground black pepper (optional), and oil to taste.

Ensalada de Chaucha y Huevo Duro

  • Serves: 10 People
  • Prepare Time: 30
  • Cooking Time: 30
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

Super Argentina



  1. Place the potatoes and green beans in a pot with plenty of water, a pinch of coarse salt to taste, and a splash of white vinegar. The vinegar helps the potatoes stay firm.
  2. Cook until the potatoes and green beans are done. It is important not to overcook them so the potatoes don't turn into mush.
  3. Drain and place them in a wide dish to cool quickly.
  4. Add the chopped eggs.
  5. Season with salt (if needed, taste first just in case), freshly ground black pepper (optional), and oil to taste.

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