Chimichurri Tradicional

Sauces 352 Last Update: Sep 16, 2023 Created: Sep 16, 2023
Chimichurri Tradicional
  • Serves: 5 People
  • Prepare Time: 10
  • Cooking Time: 20
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

In Argentina we cook asado (bbq beef) with just salt and we don't use keptchup, BBQ sauces or mayonese with the asado.
There is only two` exceptions Salsa Criolla and Chimichurri.



  1. Make a salmuera with the water and the salt. Just boil the water until the salt disolves and leave it a side to cool.
  2. Incorporate the rest of the ingridients.
  3. Keep it in the fridge up to 2 weeks, you can freeze it but you will loose the freshnes of the parsley.
  4. It will last longer if you stelerize the jars

Chimichurri Tradicional

  • Serves: 5 People
  • Prepare Time: 10
  • Cooking Time: 20
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

In Argentina we cook asado (bbq beef) with just salt and we don't use keptchup, BBQ sauces or mayonese with the asado.
There is only two` exceptions Salsa Criolla and Chimichurri.



  1. Make a salmuera with the water and the salt. Just boil the water until the salt disolves and leave it a side to cool.
  2. Incorporate the rest of the ingridients.
  3. Keep it in the fridge up to 2 weeks, you can freeze it but you will loose the freshnes of the parsley.
  4. It will last longer if you stelerize the jars

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